Five Bullet Friday From Spain - 4th December 2015

Published: Fri, 12/04/15

What An Interesting Week in Spain!

The Week In Spain

Welcome to the latest FBF. Again we had so much happening this week so it was really difficult to keep it down to just five as usual so we put in a PS! However this is still FBF not SBF then there are just five and you get the cream of things published about Spain this week and a couple of great properties. Make sure to click on the links as there is some extremely interesting reading material in here

Take a look at what we have for you below.

Exhuming bodies of the victims of Franco
Learn all about Woody Allen's favourite Spanish city, Oviedo.

On BBC4 from December the 8th. Blood and Gold, the making of Spain. Because you need to know a little bit of the background of the place you are looking to buy property.

Pretty inland villa with lads of land and excellent outdoor facilities near to the lovely village of Pedralba in the Valencia countryside.

Ready made home and business in Torremolinos reduced by 60k this week. Could this be the one for you?


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