This is a difficult article to write. It’s not difficult from a technical point of view, that’s easy, it’s a totally emotional thing. Especially when it affects me and my family personally.
Writing about something that should never have even been a consideration for British people who have wanted to exercise their right to live, work and reside in another EU state was not even on the radar a few years ago. Then the simpleton Cameron devised an ill thought out and badly worded referendum and the charlatan liar Pinocchio Johnson is now putting the result of
that flawed and Russian influenced referendum into place after his victory in last week’s election where 88% of the Conservatives messages were found to be misleading.
And yes, these are salty and bitter comments so if you don’t like them stop reading because there will be more. At least I am refraining from my usual expletive laden conversation when talking about these goons at least until the end, see below.